Visit all three wineries that make up the Rivers to Canal during Maryland Wine Month for a chance to win amazing prizes! THE RULES: - During the month of March, you must visit each of the three wineries (Broken Spoke Winery | Chateau Bu-De Winery, Bohemia Manor Farm | Crow Vineyard & Winery) at least once - Take a photo enjoying a glass or bottle of wine at each winery - Post a photo of you enjoying the wine to your Instagram account (can be three separate posts or one post with three photos to swipe through) *** Must Tag each respective winery (@brokenspokewinery, @chateaubudewinery, @crowvineyard) on Instagram, Rivers to Canal (@riverstocanal) & Maryland Wineries Association (@marylandwine) to qualify to win Three winners will be chosen on April 7th with prizes including: - A one night stay at Crow B&B for two guests - Lunch for two at Broken Spoke - A sunset dessert for two at Chateau Bu-De Winery The contest begins on March 1st and will end on March 31st. So make sure to visit all three wineries throughout the month, post a photo enjoying the local Maryland Wine & tag everyone for your chance to win!
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 1, 2018
11:00 AM - 7:30 PM EST
March 1st to March 31st
Chateau Bu-De Vineyard & Winery Broken Spoke Winery Crow Vineyard
Free to Attend
Contact Information
Abigail Miller
Send Email