The Box Office is opened 45 minutes prior to all live stage productions and movies.
Driving Directions:
The Everett is located on Main Street in Delaware with on street parking along the Main Street and surrounding neighborhood.
About Us
The Everett's Mission is to foster and develop the arts in the geographic area of Middletown, Delaware encompassing the community’s culturally diverse resources and to preserve the historic nature of the Everett theatre. Our mission features two primary directions: the visual arts expressed through the Gilbert W. Perry Center for the Arts and the performing arts expressed through the Everett Theatre complex.
The Everett host live stage productions throughout the year with open auditions for members of the community. Classic films using both digital and the carbon arch projectors, workshops and classes. The Gibby Center for the Arts features monthly theme exhibits open to the community to take part in as an artist and a guest, an artisan shoppe, classes and workshops.