9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Eastern Time
About Us
We are a discipleship ministry that helps Christians of all ages and nations articulate and comfortably share their faith stories. Our vision is to create a global community where Christians can share their faith stories with fellow Christians, seekers, and non-believers. In this way we hope to fulfill the last command of Jesus, who commissioned us to go and make disciples of all nations. We are also creating an archival legacy of personal faith stories that affirms the love and faithfulness of Jesus Christ.
Our discipleship resources include the Sharing Why I Love Jesus study guide for adult individual or small group study. The study guide is more than a how-to book about writing faith stories. It lays a biblical foundation for faith and prompts readers to explore their faith in greater depth, before writing and practicing sharing their faith stories in today's world. https://whyilovejesus.org/study-guide/
Why I Love Jesus sponsors an annual Sharing Faith Women's Retreat for women ages 16 to adult. Each year we explore a Biblical theme through presentations, small group discussions, and worship. https://whyilovejesus.org/workshops/
We travel to Kenya in late May/early June for a two-week service trip for adults age 18 and up. Activities include helping a congregation complete and dedicate their new church. We lead faith sharing workshops at top-rated Christian high schools, primary day schools and/or a Girls Rescue Center. Our efforts include fundraising to purchase three months' worth of bulk food staples for two schools. https://whyilovejesus.org/kenya-missions/
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